Saturday, October 4, 2008

Assignment 1-2: Popular Culture

According to Browne & Browne (2005), “Popular culture is the system of attitudes, behavior patterns, beliefs, customs, and tastes that define the people of any society. It is the entertainment, diversions, icons, rituals, and actions that shape a society’s everyday world” (p. 3). My opinion of popular culture is something that is current, in style, the fad, anything that is popular in today’s society. It is a piece of something that stands out and that a large number of people want to be a part of, or associated with in some way. If there is a high demand, no matter what the cost would be, they will purchase the product.
Popular culture can be very beneficial to the growth of a business. This will help a business expand that stays on the cutting edge of developing and producing the hottest items that are in public demand. A company that stays current on trends normally has a strong profit margin. The demand for popular items helps to build new industries, which brings new jobs to an area. This is extremely important in today’s economy and for future jobs.
My example of a popular culture artifact is a picture of movie reel, popcorn, and clapperboard. It is a very large part of the entertainment business. These icons are synonymous with watching a movie at the theater or at home. I choose this as my artifact, because it is one of my favorite things to do in my free time, when I have any. The entertainment industry shapes are society in the way we behave, what we wear, and the everyday situations that we deal with in our lives.
Popular culture is never ending, it encompasses societies worldwide. This helps the supply and demand of the economy, and keeps it strong. No matter where you live at in the world, everyone is affected by popular culture in one way or another. This is what makes every culture unique in their way of life.
Browne, R., Browne, P. (2005). In Ray B. Browne (Eds.), Profiles of Popular Culture a Reader. Madison, Wisconsin.: The University of Wisconsin Press.
Parties in Packages Creating an Atmosphere (2008). Retrieved from


Clarice Spencer said...
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Clarice Spencer said...

Very good, concise analysis of popular culture especially how it effects all of us around the world. There is no escaping it nor should be want to.